Birdsite Archive 2022-03

Stefanie Janine Stölting · March 1, 2022

@hanfbanter @Roland_5742 @Katapultmagazin Derzeit 20 % 🇷🇺 20 %🇰🇿. Also die Abhängigkeit weiter erhöhen. Und die Folgekosten immer schön aus dem Strompreis heraushalten, sonst wollte das keiner bezahlen. Und sind ja auch sicher im Krieg, sieht man gerade in 🇺🇦.

(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 07 08:30:59 +0000 2022)

@hanfbanter @Roland_5742 @Katapultmagazin Klar, die haben auch alle gleich die Kapazitäten. Das geht noch weiter, die Brennstäbe müssten produziert werden, neue Kastoren zum Zwischenlagern…..

(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 07 09:01:24 +0000 2022)

RT @PavloGolub: My friend Andrii, the anaesthesiologist aka Med Goblin, wants to say you something #warukraine


(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 07 10:41:07 +0000 2022)

RT @Elektro_Robin: Jetzt wissen wir auch, woher die Debatte um den Wasserverbrauch der Fabrik kam: Alleine mit dem Wasser, das für das Papi…

(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 07 13:08:16 +0000 2022)

RT @VQuaschning: Liebe @CDU und @CSU: Schon vor 2 Jahren habe ich den konservativen Kräften in Deutschland versucht zu erklären, warum wir…

(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 07 13:12:16 +0000 2022)

RT @MonikaHerrmann1: Hat der Verkehrsminister inzwischen das Tempolimit angeordnet? #Freiheitsenergie

(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 07 13:26:52 +0000 2022)

RT @OzKaterji: They did this in Syria for 8 years. The international community and the media must finally start to acknowledge this, Russia…

(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 07 13:28:45 +0000 2022)

RT @JohnBerman: JUST NOW: “They opened artillery fire, and a family, the father, mother, and two children right in front of our battalion…

(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 07 13:35:42 +0000 2022)

@ArtyomLukin Can someone please put some sunflower seeds in his pocket and and sent him to Ukraine? Thanks

(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 07 13:39:52 +0000 2022)

@dave_cramer Sorry, but it’s the sucking truth. Our last chancellor didn’t do anything regarding green energy within 16 years. The current will be three months in office tomorrow. It seems our current government has started into the right direction, but it’ll take time to eradicate 16 years.

(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 07 13:46:12 +0000 2022)

RT @nexta_tv: ‼️At least 1,207(!) civilians have been killed or wounded in #Ukraine since February 24, the Office of the #UN High Commissio…

(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 07 13:55:26 +0000 2022)

@sons_addy @ArtyomLukin Have you forgotten to take your Tyranol?

(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 07 14:09:38 +0000 2022)

@dave_cramer Green energy is the cheapest one available right now, everything else is much more expensive. In addition, we won’t need to import any raw materials.

(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 07 14:51:53 +0000 2022)

@doctorow We have one in Germany

(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 07 15:47:44 +0000 2022)

RT @TsybulskaLiubov: Update, everyone. Our media found that lady. The story is proved. With a small correction: it was pickled TOMATOES. ht…

(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 07 15:51:06 +0000 2022)

RT @MakichyanA: new flag of real Russia. we will pay reparations to Ukraine. we will be sorry forever for things done by our government. pe…

(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 07 16:51:48 +0000 2022)

RT @DmytroGurinMP: 1/I am a member of the Ukrainian Parliament. My parents are now in Mariupol, in a district with 150,000 residents that w…

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 08 06:36:17 +0000 2022)

@fuzzychef Rapid ag tests are exactly 0.00 € in Germany. Price for PCR tests differs, results within 90 minutes is about 150 €, the longer one can wait, the cheaper it gets.

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 08 07:18:55 +0000 2022)

RT @kjkanji: @RichardLyonn @christogrozev

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 08 08:52:47 +0000 2022)

RT @kattascha: Kriegsflüchtlingen als einzigen Rettungsweg eine Route durch russisch kontrolliertes Gebiet anzubieten ist zynisch. Bei all…

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 08 11:39:45 +0000 2022)

RT @Stefan_K__: Ultramies: Gerd #Stieg, #Kreisvorstand #AfD #Brandenburg an der #Havel, stellt den tapferen ukrainischen Präsidenten als Kr…

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 08 14:21:35 +0000 2022)

RT @sixtus: Das wusste ich nicht: Das “Gesetz zur Sicherung der Energieversorgung”, 1973 von Willy Brandt initiiert, gilt offensichtlich im…

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 08 14:24:14 +0000 2022)

RT @NurderK: „Wir stimmen völlig damit überein das der Bau von Stromleitungen, Flüssigerdgasterminals, von erneuerbaren Energien jetzt in T…

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 08 14:33:33 +0000 2022)

RT @TheDailyShow: The oil can still compete under the Russian Oil Committee flag

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 08 15:51:04 +0000 2022)

RT @johnsweeneyroar: Kyiv Diary Day 13: Update BOYCOTT @McDonalds until Vladimir Putin’s war stops or they stop making money in Russia.


(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 08 15:55:49 +0000 2022)

RT @marcobreso: Bad adventure for Matteo Salvini at the Ukrainian-Polish border:

the mayor of Przemys refused to go with him and showed t…

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 08 16:04:08 +0000 2022)

@DanielLuecking Ist doch egal, welches Snakeoil installiert ist, die laufen mit den höchst möglichen Rechten. Damit sind sie das prädestinierte Ziel für Angriffe, zumal das Closed Source ist und nicht überprüft werden kann.

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 08 19:12:15 +0000 2022)

@DanielLuecking Dann kannst du das prüfen (lassen) und Schwachstellen beheben (lassen). Ersteres machen sonst die, die das zum Angreifen ausnutzen wollen. Also erst einmal deinstallieren. Zweitens ist aber immer noch eine Urheberrechtsverletzung.

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 08 19:17:03 +0000 2022)

@meinKrakau Steht das noch woanders als bei einem aus der hetzenden Springer Blättern?

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 08 19:22:22 +0000 2022)

RT @MelnykAndrij: Und was macht Deutschland???

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 08 19:25:18 +0000 2022)

@jdpoc Your current one doesn’t behave better, why replacing one with the same sense but different look?

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 08 19:30:58 +0000 2022)

@derrechterand Sehr schön ist auch die nette Bezeichnung des Fotografen gegen Ende des Videos, “buffone”. Kann mich dessen Meinung nur anschließen.

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 08 19:34:30 +0000 2022)

@meinKrakau Springer ist Springer und lügt und hetzt. Danke für den Link zur Zeit.

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 08 19:40:22 +0000 2022)

RT @pgconfeu: Mark your calendars! http://PGConf.EU 2022 will be held in Berlin, Germany, on October 25-28.

More details to follow…

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 08 19:42:09 +0000 2022)

RT @medicinasmuzejs: Kopā PAR Ukrainu! Kopā PRET Putinu! #StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦


(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 08 21:33:38 +0000 2022)

RT @kamilkazani: Let’s discuss Russian economy. Many underestimate its dependency upon technological import. Russia’s so deeply integrated…

(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 09 05:29:49 +0000 2022)

RT @kainiebert: Vielen Dank für diese Analyse, liebe @Leopoldina Kolleg:innen! Ja, die Analysen sind voraussetzungsvoll – die Zeiten sind…

(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 09 05:52:41 +0000 2022)

RT @deangloster: About the butterfly mines the Russians dropped outside Mariupol to kill and injure fleeing civilians. A thread. 🧵 Once in…

(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 09 06:59:16 +0000 2022)

#kretschmer schwurbelt sächsisch im @morgenmagazin über Wasserstoff aus Atomkraftwerken. Teurer Energie erzeugen geht aktuell wirklich nicht 🤦‍♀️.

(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 09 07:24:44 +0000 2022)

RT @frauenvondamals: #OnThisDay 1922 wurde die jüdische Journalistin Felice Schragenheim geboren. Mit ihrer Freundin Elenai Predski-Kramer…

(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 09 08:55:03 +0000 2022)


http://PGConf.EU 2022

Save the data!!

October 25 - 28 in Berlin, Germany!


(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 09 08:55:48 +0000 2022)

RT @DmytroKuleba: The only electrical grid supplying the Chornobyl NPP and all its nuclear facilities occupied by Russian army is damaged.…

(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 09 12:33:36 +0000 2022)

RT @joerg_spengler: #Tempolimit: Weniger Unfälle, weniger Sprit, weniger Luftverschmutzung, weniger Klimaschaden, weniger Kosten. Nachteile…

(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 09 12:55:20 +0000 2022)

RT @janna_e_haider: every quarter i give my students an extra credit assignment to make a meme about something we covered in class. this qu…

(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 09 17:42:14 +0000 2022)

@webmink Making them number 8 and 9 on that long list of currently 7 persons?

(Originally on Twitter: Thu Mar 10 10:50:10 +0000 2022)

@kizomba_aq_it @jue_env @PilzSigrid Er hats mathematisch begründet, ich wüsste jetzt nicht, warum man das für bestimmte Kurven undefinieren müsste.

(Originally on Twitter: Thu Mar 10 11:41:51 +0000 2022)

@cstross The current government is only 3 months in office, and we are facing the failures of the previous 16 years where renewable energy has been let down. That even did cost 100.000 jobs. And this thread denied all risks and ignores the cost of power coming from NPPs.

(Originally on Twitter: Thu Mar 10 15:46:27 +0000 2022)

RT @JackDetsch: BREAKING: U.S. has indications that Russia is blaming Biden admin of building chemical & biological weapons in Ukraine as a…

(Originally on Twitter: Thu Mar 10 20:22:14 +0000 2022)

RT @nexta_tv: #China censors online discussion of #Ukraine by banning calls for peace.

(Originally on Twitter: Fri Mar 11 05:07:39 +0000 2022)

@vyruss Good idea, but first they need the option to be allowed to enter that island.

(Originally on Twitter: Fri Mar 11 10:56:11 +0000 2022)

@vyruss I know, but don’t only put it on that awful person, it’s the whole bunch of grifters in the British government.

(Originally on Twitter: Fri Mar 11 11:01:56 +0000 2022)

@vyruss It doesn’t matter, where they are from as long, as these grifters are able to get money from them. Obviously to finance the publication of lies. As that isn’t enough, they rip off the NHS with private contracts. To enrich themselves and their cronies.

(Originally on Twitter: Fri Mar 11 11:08:56 +0000 2022)

@derrechterand Ich Spende dem freiwillig eine 🇷🇺, Sonnenblumen Kerne, und ein Ticket in die 🇺🇦. Dann wird da noch etwas vernünftiges draus 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻

(Originally on Twitter: Fri Mar 11 11:14:30 +0000 2022)

@nexta_tv They have the right letter in their hands to tell the number who will come back alive: Zero. 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻

(Originally on Twitter: Fri Mar 11 11:32:36 +0000 2022)

RT @ByDonkeys: “Boris Johnson, please show some humanity” A holocaust survivor has a message for the prime minister

(Location: White Cliff…

(Originally on Twitter: Fri Mar 11 11:39:53 +0000 2022)

@AndreasKretsch7 @PARTEIniel Ich hoffe, dass du Recht hast. Wobei ich momentan noch eher einen Zustand wie 1943 in D sehe.

(Originally on Twitter: Fri Mar 11 12:49:34 +0000 2022)

RT @girlsreallyrule: Employees of a Texas-contracted facility meant to care for female foster children who are victims of sex trafficking w…

(Originally on Twitter: Fri Mar 11 15:13:00 +0000 2022)

RT @IAPonomarenko: Possible false flag operation: Two Sukoi Su-25 aircraft have just attacked targets in Ukrainian and then in Belarusian t…

(Originally on Twitter: Fri Mar 11 15:22:06 +0000 2022)

@JoeYeun00639481 @HughGRexshun @nexta_tv He has the chance to piss and shit in his underwear while leaving this world, just like Stalin.

(Originally on Twitter: Sat Mar 12 11:07:49 +0000 2022)

@dave_cramer @ascherbaum @pg_xocolatl @fuzzychef I’ve just this week seen results of a “nice” framework. And developers asked about performance issues.

  • varchar as PK
  • UUIDs in varchar
  • duplicate indexes
  • indexes without where clause …..

(Originally on Twitter: Sat Mar 12 11:43:07 +0000 2022)

@Billbrowder If #INTERPOL is that neutral, create a request to deliver #Putin and his cronies to The Hague. They’ve committed enough war crimes, to be barred for the rest of their miserable lifes.

(Originally on Twitter: Sat Mar 12 13:58:25 +0000 2022)

RT @nicktolhurst: +UPDATE+

The Telegraph Newspaper is estimated “to have recieved many millions” from the Russian State News Agency - RIA…

(Originally on Twitter: Sun Mar 13 07:58:42 +0000 2022)

RT @erik_fluegge: Die Position der #AfD-Bundestagsfraktion zum russischen Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine:

  • Die AfD lehnt Wirtschaftssankti…

(Originally on Twitter: Sun Mar 13 08:06:27 +0000 2022)

RT @ebonyplusirony: Warum wird es anders kommuniziert und so getan als würde man allen Flüchtenden aus der Ukraine unkompliziert den langen…

(Originally on Twitter: Sun Mar 13 10:54:28 +0000 2022)

For the European #PostgreSQL conference 2022 in Berlin we definitely need more female speakers. (Call for speakers isn’t open at the moment, but I want to start this discussion early)

What can be done, do achieve this? CC @PostgresWomen, @pgconfeu

(Originally on Twitter: Sun Mar 13 13:02:06 +0000 2022)

@l_avrot @PostgresWomen @pgconfeu Good starting points, @l_avrot. @postgresqleu would it be possible to setup a sponsor pool especially for this purposes, where companies could get a bill for sponsorship?

(Originally on Twitter: Sun Mar 13 15:23:22 +0000 2022)

@fuzzycz Would love it, if one only would have to throw a ball against them, to turn them upside down.

(Originally on Twitter: Sun Mar 13 16:15:02 +0000 2022)

@nexta_tv Nobody around with a nice cocktail?

(Originally on Twitter: Sun Mar 13 16:16:28 +0000 2022)

@thinkx @l_avrot @PostgresWomen @pgconfeu Would love to see, that it’s that easy, but my personal experiences suggest, that we as a community have to do more.

(Originally on Twitter: Sun Mar 13 16:18:26 +0000 2022)

What else came into my mind is, would we as a community be able to take care of children of attendees and speakers during the conference?

(Originally on Twitter: Sun Mar 13 18:58:53 +0000 2022)

@magnushagander @l_avrot @PostgresWomen @pgconfeu @postgresqleu Being a broker would be the easiest way for PostgreSQL Europe.But it might not be that easy in some countries, to make the accounting due to local legislation.I’m thinking more of an additional sponsorship for companies.Of course there would be some people needed to do the work.

(Originally on Twitter: Sun Mar 13 19:20:38 +0000 2022)

RT @BogunPl: Это самый центр города Харькова сейчас. Знаете кто последний раз такое делал? Фашисты. Ретвитьте, пожалуйста, все должны это в…

(Originally on Twitter: Sun Mar 13 19:28:29 +0000 2022)

@magnushagander @l_avrot @PostgresWomen @pgconfeu @postgresqleu That sounds great. How can we start with this work? Could the board initialize a committee to do the work to make that happen?

(Originally on Twitter: Sun Mar 13 19:37:01 +0000 2022)

@the_hydrobiont @magnushagander @l_avrot @PostgresWomen @pgconfeu @postgresqleu Sounds like a plan for a start. Where can I find that list/chat?

(Originally on Twitter: Sun Mar 13 20:10:54 +0000 2022)

@janl @jsconfeu I was merely talking about the organisation, not about taking care of the children, but thanks for the comment.

(Originally on Twitter: Sun Mar 13 20:26:29 +0000 2022)

@l_avrot @Karenhjex @PostgresWomen @pgconfeu And I believe, that @PostgresWomen will be able to support women with tips and help on talks.

(Originally on Twitter: Sun Mar 13 20:28:16 +0000 2022)

@janl @jsconfeu Nevermind, I’m appreciate everyone’s previous experiences and tips.

(Originally on Twitter: Sun Mar 13 20:30:13 +0000 2022)

@ascherbaum @magnushagander @l_avrot @PostgresWomen @pgconfeu @postgresqleu I already learned, that there needs to be something as advantage for an Estonian based company. That’ll make it not possible to directly sponsor speakers outside that company. The only way might be the tickets from conference sponsorships.

(Originally on Twitter: Sun Mar 13 20:34:23 +0000 2022)

@magnushagander @ascherbaum @l_avrot @PostgresWomen @pgconfeu @postgresqleu Sounds like a good idea to me, thank you.

(Originally on Twitter: Sun Mar 13 20:50:18 +0000 2022)

@mbalmer @vyruss @PostgresWomen @pgconfeu This is about to get more women on and off conference stages. And from my personal experiences I know, that it’s even harder for women, to just accept, that they have something to say, on stage.

(Originally on Twitter: Sun Mar 13 20:56:59 +0000 2022)

@ascherbaum @magnushagander @l_avrot @PostgresWomen @pgconfeu @postgresqleu Thank you for putting it on the agenda ❣️

(Originally on Twitter: Sun Mar 13 20:59:41 +0000 2022)

@l_avrot I’ve been in summer camps with children from various countries starting at the age of your daughter. The children always find ways to communicate and the grown ups are only there to support them, in my opinion.

(Originally on Twitter: Sun Mar 13 22:09:14 +0000 2022)

@l_avrot The grown ups are named helpers in that camps, because that’s what they are supposed to be. They can offer something to be done or games or workshops, but the children make their own decisions.

(Originally on Twitter: Sun Mar 13 22:16:51 +0000 2022)

RT @planetpostgres: Oleg Bartunov: One TOAST fits ALL: JSONB TOASTER

(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 14 06:16:54 +0000 2022)

RT @l_avrot: Diversity hire is always a bad hire. I was hired because I’m a woman twice. I had to quit during the trial period twice…

(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 14 06:17:37 +0000 2022)

RT @fosdempgday: Watch this #PostgreSQL @ #FOSDEM talk again:

Solving the knapsack problem with recursive queries and PostgreSQL

By @FTis…

(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 14 10:30:06 +0000 2022)

@nicferrier These men who are doing this are a disgrace to mankind, in my humble opinion. Not to speak about that they are traitors.

(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 14 12:04:04 +0000 2022)

@FranckPachot @l_avrot @PostgresWomen @pgconfeu I would like to have our voting system to not show the names and the votes by other people. That should be made visible after voting, when the discussion about the talks are starting. I’ll try very hard to ignore that, but it’s just human, to be influenced by that.

(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 14 16:21:35 +0000 2022)

@magnushagander @shaysler The language problem is usually something, that grown ups stumble upon. The kids find ways to communicate. I’ve seen that so often and it’s always amazing.

(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 14 16:24:02 +0000 2022)

@magnushagander @shaysler Let’s see, what is possible. Without a serious try, we won’t know.

(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 14 16:30:01 +0000 2022)

@l_avrot @FranckPachot @PostgresWomen @pgconfeu I’ll do the same, but not everyone can be first.

(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 14 16:58:09 +0000 2022)

RT @juliaioffe: Wow. A woman with a poster that says “No war, stop the war, don’t believe the propaganda, they’re lying to you” runs out be…

(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 14 19:24:21 +0000 2022)

RT @BBCWorld: The Nordic way to stop bullying

(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 14 19:34:23 +0000 2022)

@anonfreeturk1 @magnushagander @shaysler There’s a great answer in that threat by @apatheticmagpie who is very well known in the PostgreSQL community. And that’s the only useful tweet I’ve found there. We have discussed to take care of children of attendees, to help people to attend who would be unable otherwise.

(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 14 20:41:21 +0000 2022)

@apatheticmagpie @anonfreeturk1 @magnushagander @shaysler Oh, that guy got, that he failed, he deleted his tweet.

(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 14 20:48:52 +0000 2022)

@ascherbaum @johnnyq72 @gugeljuli I’m definitely there, too. @johnnyq72 , I believe you have to send an answer regarding the conference, don’t you?

I’m happy to meet people from this great community in person again.

(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 14 20:51:32 +0000 2022)

@anonfreeturk1 @apatheticmagpie @magnushagander @shaysler You’re welcome. I appreciate people standing with their failures.

(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 14 20:54:49 +0000 2022)

@Katapultmagazin Bezüglich der Mitverantwortung Deutschlands, hat @DmytroKuleba einfach Recht. Schon Nordstream 1 hätte niemals gebaut werden dürfen. Schon damals wurde davor gewarnt, dass die Pipeline gegen die Ukraine benutzt werden würde. Hat in der damaligen Regierung niemand hören wollen.

(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 14 21:00:50 +0000 2022)

@n_ekke @kuschelcoach @nexta_tv That’s impossible, lying #FoxNews doesn’t do news, it does do spreading lies and opinions, for example that other guy working there doing propaganda for Putin. Though, one is either a journalist, or working at FoxNews.

(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 14 21:04:48 +0000 2022)

RT @kirstinferguson: The clever people at @NASA have created this deceptively simple yet highly effective data visualisation showing monthl…

(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 14 21:06:17 +0000 2022)

@debugagent @EmirKarsiyakali @apatheticmagpie @anonfreeturk1 @l_avrot @javadayistanbul It’s often an argument coming from men, that having more women as speakers is lowering the standard. Oh, I have to correct myself, it’s not often, it’s always. Yesterday I tweeted about how to get more women on and off stage, and that’s been one of the first answers.

(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 14 21:16:01 +0000 2022)

@apatheticmagpie @mbalmer @DevrimGunduz Though, when I’ve seen photos from PostgreSQL conferences in Turkey (sorry for not attending a single one), there have always been more women in the audience than at any other tech conference I attended. Though, that can’t be the a Turkish problem. It has to be the organisers.

(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 14 21:37:08 +0000 2022)

@apatheticmagpie @mbalmer @DevrimGunduz People who can’t stand up to their own failures are the worst ones a company could hire. Though, that’ll give a good exclusion list for some companies.

(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 14 21:41:13 +0000 2022)

RT @JuliaDavisNews: Marina recorded this video before interrupting Channel One’s live broadcast. I translated it for you (thread):


(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 14 21:41:31 +0000 2022)

RT @ascherbaum: PostgreSQL Person of the Week interview with: Jaime Casanova (@JCasanovaEC)

#PostgreSQL #PostgresFriends…

(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 14 21:49:56 +0000 2022)

@anonfreeturk1 @debugagent @EmirKarsiyakali @apatheticmagpie @l_avrot @javadayistanbul It’s not a smearing campaign, it’s pointing to an existing problem. I’m in IT for a very long time and I’ve often been the only woman in the audience. And with exactly zero women giving a talk. That didn’t really encourage me to a submit a talk.

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 15 05:00:26 +0000 2022)

@anonfreeturk1 @debugagent @EmirKarsiyakali @apatheticmagpie @l_avrot @javadayistanbul Sometimes I even skipped attending that conference the following years. In addition, I’ve been told from other women, that I inspired them to submit and give talks, because they have seen me on stage. I really haven’t thought about that, until I’ve been told that.

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 15 05:03:12 +0000 2022)

@anonfreeturk1 @debugagent @EmirKarsiyakali @apatheticmagpie @l_avrot @javadayistanbul Hence the reason, that a lot of women in my IT echo chamber, #PostgreSQL, have come together to support each other and to discuss what to do, to encourage more women to attend our conferences (special thanks to @l_avrot). And there are a lot of male supporters in that community.

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 15 05:06:44 +0000 2022)

RT @sjstoelting: For the European #PostgreSQL conference 2022 in Berlin we definitely need more female speakers. (C…

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 15 05:07:34 +0000 2022)

@johnnyq72 @ascherbaum @gugeljuli Great, see you in May in Leipzig ❣️

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 15 06:21:17 +0000 2022)

RT @nadinesa: The deadline for submitting proposals for @opengeospatial Testbed 18 has been extended to March 31 :) Work with us to build t…

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 15 06:55:26 +0000 2022)

RT @AuschwitzMuseum: 15 March 1942 (Sunday) Before the noon roll call in Auschwitz II-Birkenau, 133 prisoners were exercised to death by…

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 15 06:56:28 +0000 2022)

@jimmy_wales You currently get nearly the same amount of Ukrainian Hryvnia for one Euro, than before Russia started the war. Source:

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 15 07:14:08 +0000 2022)

@alf_frommer Da weiß ich schon einmal, was ich nicht mache: Illner gucken. Nicht dass ich mir das sonst antue, nachdem da einmal allen Schwurblern ein Podium gegeben wurde.

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 15 07:16:51 +0000 2022)

@dashersw_TR @lemiorhan @elifkus No, it’s not saying, you are a man, it’s just pointing out gaslighting. Most men, nearly all I know, in my IT bubble are allies. And allies are making the difference. Though, becomes allies and partners is, what’s needed.

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 15 09:07:04 +0000 2022)

@dashersw_TR @lemiorhan @elifkus Sorry, but I can’t answer in Turkish and I don’t want to use the output of a translator service.

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 15 09:08:02 +0000 2022)

@anonfreeturk1 @debugagent @EmirKarsiyakali @apatheticmagpie @l_avrot @javadayistanbul If someone is doing a bad job and another one is pointing to that, that’s everything but a smear campaign.

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 15 09:10:01 +0000 2022)

@dashersw_TR @lemiorhan @elifkus I think, that’s what I got from your post. I only wanted to point out, that men have other and better choices. But I appreciate your clarification.

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 15 09:39:52 +0000 2022)

RT @pgexperts: Our CEO, Christophe Pettus, will be giving his talk “Database Disasters and How to Find Them” on March 22nd at Nordic PgDay!…

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 15 18:47:11 +0000 2022)

RT @hunleyd: Logical replication of all tables in schema in #PostgreSQL 15

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 15 19:06:06 +0000 2022)

@vyruss @jonstewart @TuckerCarlson I believe, he already knew, that Trump’s and Putin’s unofficial speaker would sell his soul to the devil for pennies.

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 15 22:34:25 +0000 2022)

@DurchlauchtD @ardenthistorian This cartoon is absolutely right:

(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 16 06:14:16 +0000 2022)

@DurchlauchtD @ardenthistorian Weil Trump’s Kumpel im Senat aus wirtschaftlichen Gründen gegen Nordstream 2 waren, hat er das unterzeichnet. Ansonsten hat Putin Trump gespielt, wie eine Geige. Und der hat das mit seiner überragenden Intelligenz nicht einmal gemerkt.

(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 16 06:21:37 +0000 2022)

@DurchlauchtD @ardenthistorian Die Liste ist lang genug, super war eben auch der Lügner Trump in einer Pressekonferenz gesagt hat, dass er Putin glaubt und nicht diversen Geheimdiensten und dem FBI über die Wahlbeinflussung.

(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 16 06:30:01 +0000 2022)

@DurchlauchtD @ardenthistorian Go away #Trump #troll, you are spreading lies. Repeating lies doesn’t make them true.

(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 16 07:21:16 +0000 2022)

@titanic Hat er sich den Namen Arschloch-TV schon schützen lassen?

(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 16 13:00:20 +0000 2022)

@ascherbaum Ich lehne ganz klar die #FDP ab. Die #FDPkannweg, ersatzlos.

(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 16 13:04:27 +0000 2022)

RT @Yugabyte: We’re excited to be part of Nordic PGDay 2022, an in-person #PostgreSQL conference in Helsinki, Finland - 22 March 2022.


(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 16 14:02:26 +0000 2022)

@FranckPachot @PostgreSQL @NordicPGDay See you in Helsinki.

(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 16 14:03:15 +0000 2022)

A nice article about #PostgreSQL indexing, thank you, @LukasFittl

(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 16 18:22:06 +0000 2022)

@jdpoc What a moron, there nothing Christian about Easter eggs. That ritual is much older than Christianity, they only have stolen the ritual. The oldest ones so far are about 60,000 year old painted ostrich eggshells. According to that one book, the ritual is older than earth.

(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 16 18:58:34 +0000 2022)

RT @DarthPutinKGB: From my Grozny & Aleppo playbook 1 -Bomb civilians to create millions of refugees. 2 -Fund far-right, anti-refugee parti…

(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 16 19:03:52 +0000 2022)

@LukasFittl You’re welcome. It’s really good, covers a lot, and is very well structured. I’ll definitely mention that to some developer teams, who definitely don’t know, what they are doing. You know that things of stupid ORMs.

(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 16 19:58:50 +0000 2022)

@Stardroid2 @GeorgeTakei And he can take junior just with him. As long as I don’t hear from them again in my life, I’d believe, the world had become a better place.

(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 16 20:00:27 +0000 2022)

@Schmidtlepp Ich frage mich gerade auch, wie der zeitlich den Job als Staatssekretär und den Job als Parlamentarier auf die Reihe bekommt. Bei dem Aufwand, den eigentlich jeder einzelne dieser Jobs erfordert, kann er beide nicht richtig machen, einen von beiden oder beide vernachlässigen.

(Originally on Twitter: Thu Mar 17 06:23:56 +0000 2022)

@edgarsrinkevics I disagree. At the time of the Nuremberg trials, there wasn’t a court to handle war crimes. And the one against Russian war criminals shouldn’t be done there also, because of keeping German war crimes visible. But now we have a court to handle war crimes, that’s The Hague.

(Originally on Twitter: Thu Mar 17 06:30:06 +0000 2022)

@qz Conservative patriots, why am I not surprised by their unsocial behaviour 🤢

(Originally on Twitter: Thu Mar 17 18:13:44 +0000 2022)

RT @LyapinaAlina: Ukrainer*innen werden vom Sozialamt weggeschickt erstmal ein 🇩🇪 Konto zu machen. Nur 2 Banken bieten Konten für 🇺🇦Geflüch…

(Originally on Twitter: Thu Mar 17 18:15:49 +0000 2022)

@ebonyplusirony #FDPkannweg FDP:

  • Corona Schutzmaßnahmen aufheben:✔️
  • Tempolimit verhindern:✔️
  • Reiche profitieren von Steuersenkungen:🔜
  • Je höher der Spritverbrauch um so höher der Zuschuss: 🔜

(Originally on Twitter: Thu Mar 17 20:05:19 +0000 2022)

RT @clairegiordano: when someone asks about the name of your event #cituscon #postgresql


(Originally on Twitter: Fri Mar 18 05:34:00 +0000 2022)

@ardmoma #DieMaskeBleibtAuf. #LongCovid wird weiterhin ignoriert, hier können aktuell nur Symptome gemindert werden, auch und gerade bei jungen Menschen. #Impfungen verringern immer noch die Übertragung des Virus. Aber warum auf die Wissenschaft hören, wenn man 💩 labern kann.

(Originally on Twitter: Fri Mar 18 06:29:26 +0000 2022)

@Afelia Aktuell sehe ich jeden toten, verletzten, gefangenen oder desertierten russischen Soldaten ohne Unterschied als Erfolg. Von denen kann keiner mehr Ukrainer:innen verletzen, töten, oder Wohnraum und Infrastruktur zerstören.

(Originally on Twitter: Fri Mar 18 06:45:24 +0000 2022)

RT @EDBPostgres: We’re excited to be part of Nordic PGDay 2022, an in-person #PostgreSQL conference in Helsinki, Finland - 22 March 2022. …

(Originally on Twitter: Fri Mar 18 06:51:20 +0000 2022)

Hallo @ardmoma das hier ist wissenschaftlich. Ihr riskiert mit der Veröffentlichung von Aussagen,das Kliniken nicht mehr so belastet sind und der Relativierung von sterben “an #COVID” (ist widerlegt) Menschenleben und Gesundheit. Auch wenn man anderen eine Plattform gibt. @ARDde

(Originally on Twitter: Fri Mar 18 07:07:32 +0000 2022)

RT @Nicole_Lee_Sch: The whole narrative of COVID risks being “all in your head” is classic gaslighting. If you’re still worried about exces…

(Originally on Twitter: Fri Mar 18 07:11:40 +0000 2022)

RT @pgconfde: Registrierung für die Deutsche PostgreSQL Konferenz ist offen, hol dir dein Ticket!

  1. Mai, in Leipzig, gegenüber dem Haupt…

(Originally on Twitter: Fri Mar 18 14:48:02 +0000 2022)

@yoni2095 @PostgresWomen @pgconfeu You know which customers they deal with?

(Originally on Twitter: Fri Mar 18 19:44:48 +0000 2022)

RT @CBCChrisBrown: A striking memorial in Lviv, #Ukraine for all the children killed by Russian attacks in the last 23 days. Market Square…

(Originally on Twitter: Fri Mar 18 19:55:48 +0000 2022)

RT @MaximEristavi: when foreigners casually drop ‘bombing of kyiv’ these pics always come to mind. this is what #RussianColonialism did to…

(Originally on Twitter: Fri Mar 18 20:17:55 +0000 2022)

@Disney did your European branch disable comments, because you as a company fear to be rightly blamed for trying to force people to work for you in the #DontSayGay state? The shortcut here is #GFY, #Disney You really understood social media. Not.

(Originally on Twitter: Sat Mar 19 09:50:50 +0000 2022)

@danica_thanki @nexta_tv Even than it didn’t make sense, they have GLONASS. That’s even usable on most Android phones. It’s better to cut of oil and gas. Some countries might need a lot of support to help them to not face a heating crisis.

(Originally on Twitter: Sat Mar 19 09:54:41 +0000 2022)

@de2part @danica_thanki @nexta_tv I hope it doesn’t work. Last time I tested it, the private signals did work. Don’t know about the military channels.

(Originally on Twitter: Sat Mar 19 10:27:42 +0000 2022)

RT @ohitsbenji: A graffiti in #Prague dedicated to #Ukrainian children.

(Originally on Twitter: Sat Mar 19 12:00:45 +0000 2022)

@DaharwalK @BBCWorld That 💩 on two legs did nothing, didn’t he? Only invading a country, where he isn’t welcome and because they kick his ass, he does the same shit as in Grosny and Syria. #FCKPUTIN #SlavaUkraini

(Originally on Twitter: Sat Mar 19 15:37:58 +0000 2022)

@DaharwalK @BBCWorld A good russian soldier is either of that list:

  • Wounded
  • Dead
  • Prisoner of war
  • Deserted

I don’t care anymore which one. As long as they are unable to kill and to destroy anything.

(Originally on Twitter: Sat Mar 19 15:40:38 +0000 2022)

@AndreasKretsch7 @ascherbaum Mal schauen, wie weit die kommen. Die Kisten sind einfache Ziele für Stinger. Das mit den Hubschraubern hat bei echter Gegenwehr noch nie funktioniert, siehe Amis in Vietnam. Die Hypersonic sind ein wenig komplizierter, als das, was die Russen sonst schicken. Und auch teurer.

(Originally on Twitter: Sat Mar 19 17:00:38 +0000 2022)

@ascherbaum @AndreasKretsch7 Immerhin hat sich in den letzten Wochen hier mehr getan, als in den 16 Jahren davor zusammen. Wir sind auch leider nicht die einzigen, die von russischem Gas abhängig sind. Wenn ich das noch richtig im Kopf habe, dann ist das bei den Italienern fast 100 %.

(Originally on Twitter: Sat Mar 19 17:07:09 +0000 2022)

@AndreasKretsch7 @ascherbaum Den möchte ich auch nicht. Die Ukrainer:innen haben sich das auch nicht ausgesucht. Wenn die Russen so weiter machen, dann sind bald keine Hubschrauber mehr übrig. Bei den Piloten verlieren sie auch die gut ausgebildeten, die anderen dürfen momentan gar nicht erst.

(Originally on Twitter: Sat Mar 19 17:10:16 +0000 2022)

RT @janboehm: Sozialexperiment fürs Hamsterland: Rumerzählen, man habe gehört, Windräder und Solarpanels würden knapp “wegen Putin” und man…

(Originally on Twitter: Sat Mar 19 17:40:40 +0000 2022)

RT @fuzzycz: We’ve seen quite abhorrent things by 🇷🇺 in 🇺🇦 already - intentional large-scale destruction of whole cities, etc. But if true…

(Originally on Twitter: Sun Mar 20 04:19:52 +0000 2022)

@fuzzycz When the 🇷🇺 offered humanitarian corridors, most of them led to 🇷🇺&🇧🇾. The original population of Krimea, Tatars, have been moved to Siberia and haven’t been allowed to come back until the collapse of the USSR. I could go on. Why am I not surprised.

(Originally on Twitter: Sun Mar 20 04:25:25 +0000 2022)

RT @robtreat2: A spot of good news… the US Court of Appeals has affirmed that it is false advertising to claim that software is “open sou…

(Originally on Twitter: Sun Mar 20 07:26:52 +0000 2022)

RT @jonnytickle: Interesting form of anti-war protest in Russia: Printing messages on banknotes

LEFT: “No to war. They’re lying to us. Ope…

(Originally on Twitter: Sun Mar 20 08:30:22 +0000 2022)

RT @EliotHiggins: Nothing says more about the crass brutality of Putin’s war in Ukraine than this satellite image of the bombed remains of…

(Originally on Twitter: Sun Mar 20 10:24:58 +0000 2022)

RT @nexta_tv: #Greek Consul General in #Mariupol Manolis Androulakis said that the #Russian army is purposefully destroying the city and it…

(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 21 06:28:22 +0000 2022)

RT @derrechterand: Hier die komplette Ausgabe »Rechte Angriffe gegen Klimaaktivist*innen« vom #AntifaMagazin zum kostenlosen download. htt…

(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 21 09:09:06 +0000 2022)

RT @nexta_tv: 96-year-old prisoner of fascist concentration camps died in #Kharkiv

Boris Romanchenko survived Buchenwald, Peenemünde, Dora…

(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 21 13:43:35 +0000 2022)

@JKSteinberger The only good thing in his life has been that he pissed and shit in his pants while dying. At least the got some playback, even it’s only been hours, for the he life of a mass murderer. There is nothing heroic or good with him. Nevertheless, the cult around him came back in 🇷🇺

(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 21 13:50:48 +0000 2022)

RT @acoustik: 🇺🇦 Like everyone, for the past few weeks I’ve been following the war in Ukraine. Russia’s unjustified invasion, and the resul…

(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 21 19:56:10 +0000 2022)

RT @nexta_tv: ‼️ An article about losses from Russian side has appeared on the website of Komsomolskaya Pravda. The article refers to 9861…

(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 21 19:58:48 +0000 2022)

#NordicPGDay is near it’s start. My first in person conference since FOSDEM 2020. #PostgreSQL

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 22 07:01:31 +0000 2022)

@magnushagander explaining how an in person conference works at #NordicPGDay. #PostgreSQL

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 22 07:05:51 +0000 2022)

RT @georgrestle: Putins nützliche Idioten. Unser #MONITOR-Film über Russlands rechte Propagandaschleudern in Deutschland. #AfD…

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 22 07:30:59 +0000 2022)

@FTisiot explaining #PostgreSQL connecting to #ApacheKafka at #NordicPGDay

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 22 07:36:18 +0000 2022)

RT @FranckPachot: Starting talk at #nordicpgday @FTisiot from @aiven_io introducing @apachekafka on @postgresql to detect inappropriate use…

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 22 07:36:36 +0000 2022)

And obviously he is doing that with pasta 🍝

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 22 07:37:04 +0000 2022)

RT @MG: Oh man, if this it what it looks (Okta got popped)… Blue Team everywhere is gonna be crazy busy.

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 22 07:46:43 +0000 2022)

RT @apatheticmagpie: Things are back to normal, I see @magnushagander on a stage talking about Postgres :) Wish I could be there, too #nord…

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 22 08:25:23 +0000 2022)

RT @NordicPGDay: Italian pasta and Apache Kafka with @ftisiot #nordicpgday

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 22 08:35:23 +0000 2022)

RT @NordicPGDay: Italian pasta and Apache Kafka with @ftisiot #nordicpgday

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 22 08:35:27 +0000 2022)

RT @DiEM_25: Free Mimmo!

As mayor of Riace, Mimmo Lucano welcomed refugees & rejuvenated his dying town. For this, he faces 13 years in It…

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 22 08:43:35 +0000 2022)

RT @FTisiot: Now it’s time for @FranckPachot at #nordicpgday talking all about data modeling in modern SQL applications…

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 22 09:40:36 +0000 2022)

RT @planetpostgres: Laurenz Albe: Query parameter data types and performance

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 22 09:45:28 +0000 2022)

RT @NordicPGDay: Our registration desk is now up to speed! Come get your badge, and get ready for #postgresql!

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 22 09:48:11 +0000 2022)

@polebitwy There is no mask mandate anymore in Finnland. Though, most people aren’t wearing one. I’m not one of them, still don’t want to catch the virus.

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 22 11:58:10 +0000 2022)

RT @FTisiot: Great session about Database disasters by @xof at #nordicpgday

Sharing examples on disasters and solutions!…

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 22 11:58:39 +0000 2022)

RT @NordicPGDay: A full roon, and everybody still seems to be awake after lunch! #postgresql #nordicpgday

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 22 11:58:52 +0000 2022)

RT @NordicPGDay: Learning to avoid unhappy databases (and DBAs) with Christophe’s talk #nordicpgday

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 22 11:58:57 +0000 2022)

RT @netnrd: Zwei russischstämmige Wirtschaftswissenschaftler zeigen, dass ein Embargo russischen Gas und Öls den Krieg früher beenden könnt…

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 22 12:20:09 +0000 2022)

RT @NordicPGDay: Karen is dividing and conquering the cake! #postgresql #nordicpgday

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 22 12:24:24 +0000 2022)

RT @SorenSpicknall: This broke me.

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 22 12:30:09 +0000 2022)

RT @stephanpalagan: Lest diesen Bericht von den letzten Journalisten, die aus Mariupol berichtet haben, die das Grauen in Worten und Bilder…

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 22 13:39:18 +0000 2022)

RT @FTisiot: @tchorix now sharing with us all about table partitions at #NordicPGDay

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 22 14:15:23 +0000 2022)

RT @pgexperts: It’s today! The PGX crew is delighted to be back at Nordic Pg Day for our CEO Christophe Pettus’ talk “Database Disasters an…

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 22 14:15:53 +0000 2022)

RT @AuschwitzMuseum: Boris Romanchenko survived Buchenwald, Peenemünde, Dora-Mittelbau and Bergen-Belsen vamps. He was killed by a #Russian…

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 22 14:26:22 +0000 2022)

RT @NordicPGDay: Let’s see if Boriss guesses the card while explaining us about partitioning #nordicpgday

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 22 14:48:18 +0000 2022)

@NordicPGDay I fixed that for you, @ilanalyze

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 22 15:09:36 +0000 2022)

RT @EDBPostgres: Team @EDBPostgres speaking at #NordicPGDay 2022! 👋 @tchorix, @Karenhjex, @HettieDombr

#NordicPGDay2022 #OpenSource #Da…

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 22 15:38:47 +0000 2022)

RT @NordicPGDay: Final speaker of today is Heikki Linnakangas #nordicpgday #postgresql

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 22 15:38:51 +0000 2022)

RT @NordicPGDay: Our attendees are still awake and paying attention! #nordicpgday

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 22 15:38:56 +0000 2022)

RT @magnushagander: Heikki is brave, with a live demo at 1730 at the very end of the conference! #nordicpgday

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 22 15:39:09 +0000 2022)

RT @mbanck: Very much enjoyed #nordicpgday - great talks, great speakers and great venue!

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 22 16:12:48 +0000 2022)

RT @NordicPGDay: Nordic PGDay 2022 is now over, all talks are done and all coffee has been had. Thank you to all our attendees and sponsors…

(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 23 08:49:27 +0000 2022)

RT @DevrimGunduz: Updated packages in the #PostgreSQL #RPM repository:

  • Citus 10.2.5 @citusdata
  • pgagroal 1.4.1 @pgagroal
  • pgexporter…

(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 23 08:49:55 +0000 2022)

@FranckPachot @magnushagander @pg_xocolatl @l_avrot @johnnyq72 It’s not a bad place, but that’s been my view

(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 23 09:55:29 +0000 2022)

@thinkx #truth

(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 23 10:25:36 +0000 2022)

RT @AmirAminiMD: Karl Marx was a German philosopher and economist. If you’re looking for a dangerous Russian-born philosopher who inspire…

(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 23 13:46:26 +0000 2022)

@vyruss @4thdoctor_scarf What could possibly go wrong on other people’s computers?

(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 23 14:07:26 +0000 2022)

RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️ Putin: Russia will only accept rubles for gas deliveries to EU.

Vladimir Putin said that “unfriendly countries” mu…

(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 23 16:53:39 +0000 2022)

Hey @Bundeskanzler , dreht die Ventile zu. Enteignet deren Gasspeicher, die sowieso staatlich waren und sein sollten. #Ukraine #Importstopp

(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 23 17:00:19 +0000 2022)

@FritzH78597784 @tazgezwitscher @AnnaDushime Augen auf beim #Rassisten und #FCKNZS #troll . Account benutzt geklautes Profilbild, endet mit einer Zahlenreihe und hat atemberaubende acht❗ follower. #Servicetweet

(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 23 17:14:53 +0000 2022)

Warum bin ich nicht über den #Rassismus von #Giffey wohl nicht überrascht? Diese Frau ist einfach auf jeder Position untragbar. Lügen und betrügen mit Methode.

(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 23 17:17:43 +0000 2022)

RT @ProfFeynman: Your time is way too valuable to be wasting on people who can’t accept who you are. Don’t sacrifice yourself too much for…

(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 23 17:17:57 +0000 2022)

In #Deutschland ist Opferschutz mal wieder #scheißegal. Warum mich das nicht wundert in einem Land, in dem Eigentumsdelikte I.d.R. einen höheren Strafrahmen haben, als Straftaten gegen Personen.

(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 23 18:24:33 +0000 2022)

RT @AliceBota: Ein paar Worte zu #Asow.

Ich halte nichts davon, Asow zu verharmlosen. Es ist eine gefährliche Bewegung - aber so ziemlich…

(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 23 19:01:16 +0000 2022)

@ConstZerger @RegAssistProj @BMWK @OlafLies Also sollen wir bis 2025 weiterhin #FckPutin und seine Clique finanzieren? Weiter Geld für Menschenrechtsverletzungen, Krieg und Kriegsverbrechen? Die letzten 16 Jahre Appeasement und das Beschwichtigen, der abgebrochene Umstieg auf erneuerbare Energien sind das Problem.

(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 23 19:13:33 +0000 2022)

RT @fabriziomello: Call for papers for @pgconfbr 2022 is open. Come to Brazil and participate in the best @PostgreSQL event ever.

After tw…

(Originally on Twitter: Thu Mar 24 05:38:20 +0000 2022)

@ajemianboghos1 @CBSMornings There have only been built about 100 for testing, the serial production hasn’t started. Now they don’t get the electronic that they need to build them, because they are unable to produce them. And don’t forget to put 🌻🌻🌻 seeds in the pockets of the Russian soldiers.

(Originally on Twitter: Thu Mar 24 07:07:11 +0000 2022)

@mtnbrew51 @0x4f47 @komadovsky @IntelCrab If you go to 🇺🇦, don’t forget to put 🌻🌻 seeds in your pocket.

(Originally on Twitter: Thu Mar 24 07:10:51 +0000 2022)

@PeterTatchell I would like to remind you, that we shouldn’t name it to Nuremberg trials. That’ll make the German war crimes and industrial mass killings less unique, which is wrong. At the time being we didn’t have a court to handle war crimes, but nowadays we have The Hague.

(Originally on Twitter: Thu Mar 24 08:07:02 +0000 2022)

RT @FTisiot: #PostgreSQL14 added two new options to manage recursion. Check the following blog to see how you can use them…

(Originally on Twitter: Thu Mar 24 09:31:51 +0000 2022)

@ajemianboghos1 @CBSMornings The Russian business with China is much smaller, than those with EU or the USA. As China now has seen, that they are standing up, they won’t send lot to Russia. In addition, the parts that Russia would need, aren’t coming from China.

(Originally on Twitter: Thu Mar 24 12:13:26 +0000 2022)

@ajemianboghos1 @CBSMornings I’ll tell you what China will do. After the Russian business has completely crashed, they’ll take everything that is left for a very cheap price. And Russia has nothing to offer, except oil, gas, and coal. That has done 70 % of the Russian GDP.

(Originally on Twitter: Thu Mar 24 12:15:43 +0000 2022)

@ajemianboghos1 @CBSMornings Ever heard of Google? There is technically no way, to sell that dirty energy to China, that Russia can’t sell to Europe/USA/Japan. The pipelines are small roads not enough, etc. And China might pay in Rubles, but only a percentage of what has been paid before in USD.

(Originally on Twitter: Thu Mar 24 12:24:43 +0000 2022)

@ajemianboghos1 @CBSMornings Though just in case you haven’t heard of a search engine. Verify the sources mentioned on Wikipedia They aren’t only in English. And production plans have been published long before, same as the orders by the Russian military.

(Originally on Twitter: Thu Mar 24 12:28:52 +0000 2022)

RT @pgDayParis: Let’s start a journey to (over) 5000 instances with @nthonynowocien #pgDayParis

(Originally on Twitter: Thu Mar 24 12:46:50 +0000 2022)

RT @pgDayParis: Here we go! #pgDayParis 2022 Opening time.

(Originally on Twitter: Thu Mar 24 12:46:59 +0000 2022)

RT @pgDayParis: And, to end this morning at #pgDayParis , @pgstef will present how to use multiple backup repositories with pgBackRest http…

(Originally on Twitter: Thu Mar 24 12:47:03 +0000 2022)

@ajemianboghos1 @CBSMornings There are sources linked en mass in that Wikipedia article. But if you prefer to believe a bunch of liars, cheaters, grifters, than Russia has the sources. The US agencies shared exactly, which troops have been settled around Ukraine before the invasion and warned it would come.

(Originally on Twitter: Thu Mar 24 12:52:07 +0000 2022)

@FTisiot Nice to have met you there and I enjoyed your talk. Btw, there is a PostgreSQL Europe conference coming in October in Berlin. CFP isn’t opened by now.

(Originally on Twitter: Thu Mar 24 12:54:14 +0000 2022)

@AndreasKretsch7 But seems not to be real, but from a game.

(Originally on Twitter: Thu Mar 24 13:14:22 +0000 2022)

RT @jsrailton: NEW: Rolling Stone reports that a #Kremlin-connected businessman paid for swastika graffiti in #Ukraine.

Goal? Help #Putin…

(Originally on Twitter: Thu Mar 24 14:08:58 +0000 2022)

RT @HollsteinM: Der Ältestenrat der Linken hat sich getroffen. Das Abschlusspapier der Beratung, in dem der Krieg in der Ukraine beurteilt…

(Originally on Twitter: Thu Mar 24 14:11:41 +0000 2022)

@ajemianboghos1 @CBSMornings Lol, who needs gasoline? Russia is only good in already completely outdated technology. Can’t even get oil out without foreign technology. And really, take a look at numbers. But why care, if you spread their propaganda. Soon it’s a Chinese asset.

(Originally on Twitter: Thu Mar 24 16:00:16 +0000 2022)

RT @anneapplebaum: Emails and documents show just how closely Italian, French, German and Austrian politicians coordinate with Moscow. An i…

(Originally on Twitter: Thu Mar 24 18:47:23 +0000 2022)

@ClausDaniel6 @ardenthistorian Der Typ könnte weiter als Anwalt arbeiten. Er hätte sich auch für befangen erklären können. Der meint u.a., Das die US Verfassung so ausgelegt werden sollte, wie es die Gründerväter beabsichtigten. Die hatten auch die Sklaverei beabsichtigt.

(Originally on Twitter: Fri Mar 25 06:46:38 +0000 2022)

RT @fosdempgday: Watch this #PostgreSQL @ #FOSDEM talk again:

Lesser Known PostgreSQL Features

By @be_haki

(Originally on Twitter: Fri Mar 25 09:10:11 +0000 2022)

RT @RabbitMQ: RabbitMQ 3.10.0 RC1 released! Check out the release calendar

(Originally on Twitter: Fri Mar 25 09:57:02 +0000 2022)

RT @PostgreSQL: News: PgBouncer 1.17.0 released

(Originally on Twitter: Fri Mar 25 10:15:37 +0000 2022)

RT @kadinyazilimci: Java Day Istanbul - Attaining a more gender-equal speaker’s lineup

(Originally on Twitter: Fri Mar 25 10:23:53 +0000 2022)

RT @elifkus: I wrote the story of how women criticized a conference post, how it turned into an opportunity of insulting women developers f…

(Originally on Twitter: Fri Mar 25 10:24:23 +0000 2022)

RT @derrechterand: »Wer zum Beispiel nur Schwarze Menschen kontrolliert, kann nur Schwarze Tatverdächtige finden.«

»»» @vice_de : Wer Ihr…

(Originally on Twitter: Fri Mar 25 12:10:57 +0000 2022)

@DIVAmagazine 🎩👩‍❤️‍👩🌐

(Originally on Twitter: Fri Mar 25 12:27:58 +0000 2022)

@glynmoody I believe, they follow the example of Finnland.

(Originally on Twitter: Fri Mar 25 16:47:18 +0000 2022)

@Charles68431225 @BBCRosAtkins Learn history before you post stupid things. There’s a lot bad to be said about Azov brigade. And it’s been founded, because 🇺🇦 didn’t have a functional army when Russia started wars in Donezk, Luhansk, & Crimea. They wouldn’t even exist without that guy hiding in bunker in 🇷🇺.

(Originally on Twitter: Fri Mar 25 17:03:54 +0000 2022)

RT @Katapultmagazin: Wer es öffentlich trägt oder verbreitet, kann strafrechtlich belangt werden. . Das teilt das niedersächsische Innenmin…

(Originally on Twitter: Fri Mar 25 18:26:45 +0000 2022)

RT @mwehner4: Am 24. März hängten russische Kriegsgegner um 5 Uhr morgens eine große ukrainische Fahne an die Krim-Brücke im Moskauer Zentr…

(Originally on Twitter: Sat Mar 26 07:46:28 +0000 2022)

RT @AndreasKretsch7:

(Originally on Twitter: Sat Mar 26 07:49:41 +0000 2022)

@FranckPachot @PostgreSQL @OracleDatabase As long, as your primary key is a serial number, that’s true. As soon as it is anything else, it affects inserts. And it is also affecting every non serial number index on inserts and updates.

(Originally on Twitter: Sat Mar 26 08:00:23 +0000 2022)

RT @HettieDombr: We were waiting for this change FOREVER! (from @magnushagander presentation at @pgDayParis )

(Originally on Twitter: Sat Mar 26 08:03:16 +0000 2022)

In #PostgreSQL 15 public will not have create permissions. Wow, that’ll help a lot. Thanks for mentioning it @magnushagander , thanks for letting me know, @HettieDombr .

(Originally on Twitter: Sat Mar 26 08:06:36 +0000 2022)

@FranckPachot @PostgreSQL @OracleDatabase As in the databases I’m confronted with are more read than write operations, I’ll prefer btree. There’s a nice comparison here

(Originally on Twitter: Sat Mar 26 08:47:21 +0000 2022)

@CeuisSWaXP4yTKv @KASonline @viadrina Schon freiwillig gemeldet für die glorreiche Spezialoperation? Bitte nicht vergessen, Sonnenblumenkerne in die Taschen zu stecken.

(Originally on Twitter: Sat Mar 26 09:26:49 +0000 2022)

RT @derrechterand: Unseren herzlichen Glückwunsch an die @vvn_bda zu 75 Jahre ❤️❗️👋 Antifaschismus.

Wir sind eng verbunden mit der ältest…

(Originally on Twitter: Sat Mar 26 09:34:05 +0000 2022)

@seppcasp @Tareq_Alaows @tazgezwitscher @SarahHuether @IbrahimKarci Du bist weiß, männlich und wie oft ohne einen Anlass kontrolliert worden? Wie oft bist du gefragt worden, ob das Fahrrad oder Auto wirklich dir gehört? Nur für den Fall dass du Freunde hast, die nicht weiß und männlich sind, frag die mal, was denen so alles schon passiert ist.

(Originally on Twitter: Sat Mar 26 10:25:14 +0000 2022)

RT @Tareq_Alaows: Ich wurde im letzten Jahr von Racial Profiling getroffen und dagegen gehe ich rechtlich ein. Ich habe mit @SarahHuether u…

(Originally on Twitter: Sat Mar 26 10:25:27 +0000 2022)

RT @PoIitics4All: BREAKING 🚨🚨🚨

Politics For All has published its list of innocent victims of Cancel Culture.

(Originally on Twitter: Sat Mar 26 11:01:16 +0000 2022)

@seppcasp @Tareq_Alaows @tazgezwitscher @SarahHuether @IbrahimKarci Wenn du einmal kontrolliert wirst, nein, wenn du aber regelmäßig immer wieder rausgezogen wirst, ja, dann ist das Rassismus. Und nein, da ist nichts außer dem Rassismus in den Köpfen der Polizisten vorgefallen, ist ein #PolizeiNRW .

(Originally on Twitter: Sat Mar 26 11:05:51 +0000 2022)

RT @nexta_tv: A #Moscow City Duma deputy suggested that six more countries - #Kazakhstan, #Moldova, #Poland, #Lithuania, #Latvia, and #Esto…

(Originally on Twitter: Sat Mar 26 12:21:56 +0000 2022)

@netnrd Gehört zu den Dingen, bei denen mir ein Like sehr schwer gefallen ist.

(Originally on Twitter: Sat Mar 26 13:46:18 +0000 2022)

RT @nexta_tv: The Ministry of Defense of #Ukraine reported that the Russian military fired on and damaged the memorial to the victims of th…

(Originally on Twitter: Sat Mar 26 13:46:39 +0000 2022)

RT @KatapultUkraine: The #Slavutych mayor’s office confirmed that at least three people have been killed after the town has been occupied b…

(Originally on Twitter: Sun Mar 27 07:12:52 +0000 2022)

RT @stephanpalagan: „Was sich liest wie der Chat-Verlauf einer Hooligan-Truppe auf Telegram, sind Nachrichten, die Kölner Polizeibeamte aus…

(Originally on Twitter: Sun Mar 27 07:35:28 +0000 2022)

RT @Schmidtlepp: Na @Bundeskanzler, wie lange willst Du noch warten?

(Originally on Twitter: Sun Mar 27 09:16:01 +0000 2022)

RT @YourAnonNews: Russians against Putin are using a “new Russian flag”, pushing to remove the “blood” from the Russian flag. This is what…

(Originally on Twitter: Sun Mar 27 09:19:40 +0000 2022)

RT @OwenJones84: History rarely repeats itself, but it often rhymes.

The parallels between the backlash against trans rights and gay right…

(Originally on Twitter: Sun Mar 27 11:37:20 +0000 2022)

RT @DieMaus: @jreichelt Die heutige Sendung findest du in der Mediathek auf Auch als erwachsene Person kann man bei…

(Originally on Twitter: Sun Mar 27 11:41:59 +0000 2022)

RT @l_avrot: With events resuming to almost normal, I updated my tour page.

I also added the videos from @pgsession and @pgconfnyc!


(Originally on Twitter: Sun Mar 27 12:27:10 +0000 2022)

RT @xychelsea: recently, i visited the site at babelplaz in berlin where much of the archives of magnus hirschfield’s research on gender an…

(Originally on Twitter: Sun Mar 27 16:01:24 +0000 2022)

RT @moritz_gathmann: Ich sitze am Bahnhof in Kiew, warte auf meinen Zug nach Odessa, habe mich schon an die Kriegsnormalität in der Hauptst…

(Originally on Twitter: Sun Mar 27 18:49:56 +0000 2022)

RT @wolfgangcramer: “In der EU landen 60 Prozent des Getreides in Futtertrögen. Schon zehn Prozent Nutztiere weniger würden etwa 16 Million…

(Originally on Twitter: Sun Mar 27 18:57:08 +0000 2022)

RT @KyivIndependent: Zelensky: ‘I told Ukrainian defenders of Mariupol they can leave the city, they refused.’

They refused to leave behi…

(Originally on Twitter: Sun Mar 27 19:54:43 +0000 2022)

RT @annalist: Die Union redet ja gern und ständig über Kinderschutz und Frauenschutz - und fordert dann mehr Polizei, mehr Überwachung, me…

(Originally on Twitter: Sun Mar 27 20:40:57 +0000 2022)

RT @Schmidtlepp: Via @TspCheckpoint: Als Russland die Ukraine überfallen hatte ging @c_lindner im Gespräch mit @MelnykAndrij davon aus, das…

(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 28 05:08:49 +0000 2022)

RT @ascherbaum: PostgreSQL Person of the Week interview with: Claire Giordano (@clairegiordano)

#PostgreSQL #PostgresFriends…

(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 28 19:38:38 +0000 2022)

RT @magnushagander: MERGE just landed for #postgresql 15.

I had this on my list of “I really hope it makes it, but it’s a tough one” list…

(Originally on Twitter: Mon Mar 28 19:41:15 +0000 2022)

RT @sumlenny: In many tapped phone calls between Russian soldiers and their relatives (Russians steal UKR mobile phones, use them, SBU taps…

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 29 04:54:23 +0000 2022)

RT @VKukharik: 500 stars! and 140 forks :)

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 29 08:19:42 +0000 2022)

@ebonyplusirony Für mich ist der ein Stück rassistische 💩 mit Beinen. Abgesehen davon ist das Justizabel.

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 29 10:16:49 +0000 2022)

RT @mdevanr: Postgres 15 will support MERGE! How cool is that? #postgres

(Originally on Twitter: Tue Mar 29 10:25:53 +0000 2022)

RT @AlinejadMasih: 1. Iranian women had the most simple demand today: To cheer for their national soccer team inside the stadium https://t.…

(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 30 00:39:58 +0000 2022)

RT @pgconfde: You may have spotted the colors in this year’s schedule:

The colors are from the Ukrainian flag (yel…

(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 30 04:44:04 +0000 2022)

RT @nexta_tv: #German chocolate manufacturer @RITTER_SPORT_DE will not stop supplying products to #Russia.

The #Russian market accounts f…

(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 30 05:43:42 +0000 2022)

RT @nexta_tv: According to the #UN, 3.9 million #Ukrainians are refugees and another 6.5 million are internally displaced because of the #R…

(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 30 05:47:00 +0000 2022)

RT @AlbertoNardelli: Half of Russia’s 20 richest billionaires have not been sanctioned

(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 30 11:48:31 +0000 2022)

@thinkx @ian_barwick_pg To stop spreading bad mindset.

(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 30 11:52:07 +0000 2022)

@RachelShelley @victoriabroom @AnnaDzabagina @DIVAmagazine @acast I skipped sushi for lunch today 😂, but I wouldn’t have liked to miss that episode.

(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 30 11:56:03 +0000 2022)

RT @ascherbaum: Come and chat with #PostgresFriends: Wednesday 21:00 CEST 20:00 BST 19:00 UTC 14:00 EST 11:00 PST

All you need is a browse…

(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 30 12:30:52 +0000 2022)

@CourtmanNick Especially as this isn’t anything new. I can’t remember where I got it, but it must have been in the 8ties.

(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 30 17:31:54 +0000 2022)

RT @JensChristianW1: Es ist eine Schande, dass ukrain. KZ-Überlebende wegen des russ. Angriffs gezwungen sind, ihr Land zu verlassen. Habe…

(Originally on Twitter: Wed Mar 30 17:40:23 +0000 2022)

RT @visegrad24: 7 busses with Russian soldiers suffering from Acute Radiation Syndrome have arrived to a hospital in Belarus from the Chern…

(Originally on Twitter: Thu Mar 31 07:18:01 +0000 2022)

RT @IntelArrow: Mariupol city center, today.

Complete devastation.


(Originally on Twitter: Thu Mar 31 08:43:13 +0000 2022)

RT @19FebruarHanau: In Erinnerung an Gökhan Gültekin.

Heute wäre Gökhan 40 Jahre alt geworden.

Wir werden dich niemals vergessen. ❤️


(Originally on Twitter: Thu Mar 31 08:44:38 +0000 2022)

RT @PostgresWeekly: PgBouncer 1.17.0 Released: The Lightweight Connection Pooler -

(Originally on Twitter: Thu Mar 31 08:51:08 +0000 2022)

RT @olex_scherba: After #Ukraine liberated Mala Rogan near #Kharkiv, many destroyed civilian cars were found on the freeway. #RussianArmy w…

(Originally on Twitter: Thu Mar 31 10:55:28 +0000 2022)

RT @Sputnik_Not: Latest Russian T-80BVM ‘Salamander’ tank has the ability to shed its turret to distract and escape from pursuing tractors…

(Originally on Twitter: Thu Mar 31 12:57:30 +0000 2022)

RT @planetpostgres: Hubert ‘depesz’ Lubaczewski: Waiting for PostgreSQL 15 – Add support for MERGE SQL command

(Originally on Twitter: Thu Mar 31 13:00:00 +0000 2022)

RT @TimescaleDB: Grab a cup of your favorite beverage 🫖🥤🧋 and join us for #TimescaleDay! We’re starting in 15 minutes.

📺 Tune in 👇 #opens…

(Originally on Twitter: Thu Mar 31 13:02:40 +0000 2022)

RT @uamemesforces:

(Originally on Twitter: Thu Mar 31 13:17:11 +0000 2022)

@netnrd Hat schon einer: Wird aber nichts nutzen, der ist Lernresistent und rechts blind.

(Originally on Twitter: Thu Mar 31 17:31:11 +0000 2022)

@thinkx One more ⭐ for @orioledb. And I really like, that it’s released und the #PostgreSQL license. In addition of the ideas, that Alexander has implemented.

(Originally on Twitter: Thu Mar 31 18:20:51 +0000 2022)

@thinkx @orioledb @NordicPGDay But it’s been only a one day conference, to short to talk to everyone. At least an in person conference again.

(Originally on Twitter: Thu Mar 31 18:28:15 +0000 2022)

RT @terrelljstarr: I understand why so few people of color enter East European, Eurasian studies: it’s extremely hostile to us. I spend eac…

(Originally on Twitter: Thu Mar 31 18:29:37 +0000 2022)

RT @AntifaPinneberg: Mehr Hintergrund zu den beiden Magazinen gibt es beim #AntifaMagazin @derrechterand:

(Originally on Twitter: Thu Mar 31 18:31:48 +0000 2022)

RT @anders_aslund: Several hundred Russian soldiers were forced to hastily withdraw from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine after…

(Originally on Twitter: Thu Mar 31 20:03:28 +0000 2022)

RT @DoraKristina: Auf Facebook ist das Statement von #Kretschmer noch widerlicher. Der Ministerpräsident eines deutschen Bundeslands schrei…

(Originally on Twitter: Thu Mar 31 20:27:43 +0000 2022)

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