Birdsite Archive 2022-05

Stefanie Janine Stölting · May 1, 2022

RT @derrechterand: »Chrupalla steht emblematisch für die Nähe der #AfD zu Putins #Russland. Wie wohl kaum ein anderer AfD-Politiker pflegte…

(Originally on Twitter: Sun May 01 20:05:54 +0000 2022)

RT @WarintheFuture: “This is a Russia that we know, and it’s not a Russia that arrived yesterday or in the nineteen-nineties. It’s not a re…

(Originally on Twitter: Mon May 02 04:59:30 +0000 2022)

RT @nexta_tv: Dani Dayan, head of @yadvashem condemns Sergei #Lavrov because of his claims that “some of the worst antisemites are Jews”. T…

(Originally on Twitter: Mon May 02 05:00:18 +0000 2022)

RT @pgxn: plpgsql_check 2.1.4 released by okbob:

(Originally on Twitter: Mon May 02 05:03:14 +0000 2022)

RT @tschinderle: Wenn ich lese, dass katholische Kleriker vergewaltigende Russen in Schutz nehmen, weil sie im Krieg „unter Stress“ stehen…

(Originally on Twitter: Mon May 02 08:53:22 +0000 2022)

RT @MrKovalenko: UPDATE - Yesterday’s #Ukraine attack on the Rus. HQ in #Izium was designed to liquidate the high-value target - chief of G…

(Originally on Twitter: Tue May 03 04:53:16 +0000 2022)

RT @PeterTatchell: Human rights groups in Romania have condemned the country’s new anti-LGBT+ “propaganda” bill, which has already passed t…

(Originally on Twitter: Tue May 03 11:12:39 +0000 2022)

I’ve been forced to use @Apple 15” #MacBook Pro. So far my experience is horrible. It doesn’t use a monitor with an HDMI 4k switch.The keyboard is a mess, keys are not, where one expects them, the keys are to wide compared to standard, no numpad. The internal monitor is a mirror.

(Originally on Twitter: Wed May 04 07:54:50 +0000 2022)

And the next fun, as I had to use a port replicator for an USB keyboard, only because this so called computer doesn’t have a single USB2 port, it lost the keyboard while I’ve been typing!

(Originally on Twitter: Wed May 04 08:13:28 +0000 2022)

And every other notebook laying around never had a problem with the port replicator. Some Dell, Tuxedo, no name Linux, ThinkPad. Different Linux flavours, Windows, all of them are working, only that #MacBook fails.

(Originally on Twitter: Wed May 04 08:17:49 +0000 2022)

@l_avrot @Apple On a 15” there is enough space for a numpad, but wider keys are horrible when one typing with ten fingers. In addition the keyboard feedback is very bad. It’s not a qwerty/qwertz problem, it’s the @ sitting on the wrong key.

(Originally on Twitter: Wed May 04 08:21:32 +0000 2022)

@l_avrot My private notebook has three of them, two multi TB SSDs, a numpad, a dedicated graphic card. It still weights less than the MacBook. Not to speak about the keyboard, where I don’t even miss my mechanic keyboard. And it has a mat screen without any reflections.

(Originally on Twitter: Wed May 04 08:46:59 +0000 2022)

RT @stephanpalagan: Warum befindet sich diese Nachricht nicht auf den Plätzen 1-3 der Twitter-Trends?


(Originally on Twitter: Wed May 04 09:49:02 +0000 2022)

RT @jutta_ditfurth: Ich hatte 3 Abtreibungen und 1 Fehlgeburt. Bei der Fehlgeburt, die mich in italienischen Bergen erwischte, rettete mich…

(Originally on Twitter: Wed May 04 09:52:36 +0000 2022)

RT @saschalobo: Lästert über Offene Briefe. Ja, sie wirken als Symbol oft lächerlich. Von hier aus.

Aber die Ukrainer*innen hoffen auf Hi…

(Originally on Twitter: Wed May 04 10:45:43 +0000 2022)

RT @VerbrannteOrte: Isaak Emmanuilowitsch Babel war ein Schriftsteller und Journalist desen Werke sowohl von den Nationalsozialisten verban…

(Originally on Twitter: Wed May 04 11:18:53 +0000 2022)

RT @postgresqleu: PostgreSQL Conference Europe 2022 - Call for Sponsors

(Originally on Twitter: Wed May 04 20:13:47 +0000 2022)

RT @JensChristianW1: Und da ist es mal wieder, das geschichtsrevisionistische Gerede der #AfD vom angeblichen #Schuldkult, geteilt vom Thür…

(Originally on Twitter: Thu May 05 05:00:32 +0000 2022)

RT @DiePolierer: Leopold überlebte als einziger seiner Familie die KZs, die Folter & die Todesmärsche.

Seine Erfahrungen führten ihn dazu…

(Originally on Twitter: Thu May 05 07:35:49 +0000 2022)

RT @PostgresWeekly: pg_ivm 1.0: IVM (Incremental View Maintenance) Extension -

(Originally on Twitter: Thu May 05 08:55:32 +0000 2022)

RT @pgstef: The #PGConfBE @PostgreSQL event will happen again on May 19th. Check out the great speakers and schedule:…

(Originally on Twitter: Thu May 05 09:09:46 +0000 2022)

RT @GergelyOrosz: When at Uber, I remember this change to make sure a female interviewer is present on every hiring loop.

The strangest th…

(Originally on Twitter: Thu May 05 12:54:25 +0000 2022)

For any #PostgreSQL DBA out there, I’d like to advise you to watch this talk by @PostSQL about vacuum and wrap around Special thanks to @samokhvalov and @the_hydrobiont for doing this format.

(Originally on Twitter: Thu May 05 17:48:40 +0000 2022)

@PinkNews I’ve just read “North Korean Congressman”…

(Originally on Twitter: Fri May 06 12:46:36 +0000 2022)

@UnethicalTories Because they aren’t state affiliated? They are Tories affiliate lying media.

(Originally on Twitter: Sat May 07 07:04:54 +0000 2022)

@thinkx What they fear is becoming Small Britain.

(Originally on Twitter: Sat May 07 07:44:53 +0000 2022)

RT @georgloewisch: Erstaunliche Wendung im #Missbrauchsskandal der Kirchen: Ein ganz neuer Akteur schaltet sich ein und will helfen, ja sog…

(Originally on Twitter: Sat May 07 18:56:43 +0000 2022)

RT @RobertTalisse: Checks out

(Originally on Twitter: Sun May 08 06:16:42 +0000 2022)

RT @HolocaustMuseum: #OTD in 1945, Nazi Germany surrendered unconditionally, formally ending the war in Europe. While celebrations erupted…

(Originally on Twitter: Sun May 08 13:06:32 +0000 2022)

RT @kajakallas: Weekend - Estonian PM: Stakes are high if Putin is emboldened - BBC Sounds

(Originally on Twitter: Sun May 08 17:39:07 +0000 2022)

RT @dadgadguitarist: @sarahrainsford Reality.

(Originally on Twitter: Mon May 09 05:49:33 +0000 2022)

RT @CoellenCristina: Russian woman has decided to wear a “Judenstern”, because sure, Russians are definitely being treated like Jews. We ar…

(Originally on Twitter: Mon May 09 17:23:11 +0000 2022)

RT @TrentTelenko: This is going to be a long thread🧵 on Ukraine’s unique 21st century fighting style based on Uber style C3I software, why…

(Originally on Twitter: Tue May 10 08:34:32 +0000 2022)

@ahtoapajalahti @KaroliinaAinge @Politsei @elokapina I can assure you, that it’s not normal western practice as this is unknown in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. I would really love to have it here, too.

(Originally on Twitter: Tue May 10 14:55:50 +0000 2022)

RT @KaroliinaAinge: The Estonian @Politsei has special officers called “dialogue police” (not the greatest name tbh) whose role is to diplo…

(Originally on Twitter: Tue May 10 14:55:59 +0000 2022)

@Stefan_LG @ahtoapajalahti @KaroliinaAinge @Politsei @elokapina There isn’t even a Wikipedia entry about them. As the police is organised state wise, which states have them?

(Originally on Twitter: Tue May 10 15:42:08 +0000 2022)

RT @maddow: “Republican legislators in Texas, for example, also want to approve measures that would prevent pregnant Texans from seeking le…

(Originally on Twitter: Tue May 10 17:37:40 +0000 2022)

RT @nexta_tv: This is what the occupiers have turned the historic center of #Mariupol into.


(Originally on Twitter: Tue May 10 17:38:25 +0000 2022)

RT @Boochelnikova: Here is one more story about Victory Day in #Berlin: My friend Polina wasn’t allowed to enter #TreptowerPark in her yel…

(Originally on Twitter: Tue May 10 18:37:17 +0000 2022)

@polizeiberlin are you fucking kidding me? Everyone involved in this shit show should get a one way ticket to Moscow. #StandWithUkraine

(Originally on Twitter: Tue May 10 18:40:56 +0000 2022)

@Stefan_LG @ahtoapajalahti @KaroliinaAinge @Politsei @elokapina In some states police can attend de-escalation trainings, for example North Rhine-Westphalia. Some have police officers working with fan projects around football games. But there’s nothing comparable to what Estonia and Finland are doing.

(Originally on Twitter: Tue May 10 20:51:32 +0000 2022)

@ahtoapajalahti @Stefan_LG @KaroliinaAinge @Politsei @elokapina There is no badge, the training is more about de-escalation during protests. And it’s only in some states, police is handled on state level, every single one of the 16 states has its own rules.

(Originally on Twitter: Tue May 10 21:00:50 +0000 2022)

RT @cfkschaller: NVidia just announced that they are open sourceing their kernel driver, wrote a little blog post explaining what that mean…

(Originally on Twitter: Thu May 12 05:33:51 +0000 2022)

RT @ILGAEurope: #RainbowEurope 2022 is live! @ILGAEurope benchmarks 49 European countries on their legal and policy situation for LGBTI peo…

(Originally on Twitter: Thu May 12 10:44:02 +0000 2022)

RT @Katapultmagazin: KATAPULT-Ausgabe erscheint endlich - nach 40 Tagen Verzögerung. Wie viele Abonnent:innen sind deswegen abgesprungen? N…

(Originally on Twitter: Thu May 12 11:04:15 +0000 2022)

RT @chaosupdates: Das Missbrauchspotenzial einer solchen Technik ist enorm groß: Die #Chatkontrolle betrifft nicht nur Metadaten, sondern d…

(Originally on Twitter: Thu May 12 12:05:08 +0000 2022)

RT @pamelahartbooks: Current Twitter privacy policy says they will scan DMs ‘but not the content of those communications’.

New policy (in…

(Originally on Twitter: Thu May 12 12:36:15 +0000 2022)

RT @ian_barwick_pg:

(Originally on Twitter: Fri May 13 08:28:27 +0000 2022)

RT @l_avrot: No, @fuzzycz, we’re not discussing geocaching on bicycle here!

(Originally on Twitter: Fri May 13 12:58:59 +0000 2022)

RT @planetpostgres: Gabriele Bartolini (@GBartolini): Introducing CloudNativePG: A New Open Source Kubernetes Operator for Postgres https…

(Originally on Twitter: Sat May 14 00:06:28 +0000 2022)

@nexta_tv @Reuters @Bundeskanzler don’t only think about it, DO IT!!!

(Originally on Twitter: Sat May 14 08:11:10 +0000 2022)

RT @pgconfde: Thank you, thank you, thank you. To all the attendees, speakers and volunteers. It was a great conference and we are looking…

(Originally on Twitter: Sat May 14 11:14:32 +0000 2022)

RT @ReporterOG: Ab 18.5. kann #GB Innenministerin Patel anordnen, @Wikileaks-Gründer Julian #Assange an die #USA auszuliefern. In unserer P…

(Originally on Twitter: Sat May 14 11:19:03 +0000 2022)

RT @jdpoc:

(Originally on Twitter: Sat May 14 13:14:14 +0000 2022)

@jdpoc And you could add the whole right wing 💩 parties from all over Europe. In Germany, that’s the #fckafd .

(Originally on Twitter: Sat May 14 13:15:30 +0000 2022)

RT @ILGAEurope: As democracy in Europe comes under growing pressure, the #RainbowEurope map identifies steps forward on LGBTI rights in sev…

(Originally on Twitter: Sat May 14 16:30:36 +0000 2022)

RT @rgpoulussen:

(Originally on Twitter: Sat May 14 16:33:02 +0000 2022)

RT @CarloMasala1: 🤣🤣🤣

(Originally on Twitter: Sat May 14 16:33:16 +0000 2022)

@realswordawg @JohnnyHeatWave @mmfa @TuckerCarlson is a sucking right wing liar. He’s only able to spread hatred, to make money out of the stupid idiots who believe him.

(Originally on Twitter: Sun May 15 15:21:25 +0000 2022)

RT @Volksverpetzer: #Plagiatsjäger: In der #Dissertation von Axel-Springer-CEO #Döpfner sind 28 Plagiate. Brisant: Döpfner kopierte aus ein…

(Originally on Twitter: Sun May 15 16:31:53 +0000 2022)

RT @wikileaks: CIA torture whistleblower John Kiriakou on Assange extradition: “I know from personal experience, Julian Assange cannot and…

(Originally on Twitter: Sun May 15 16:32:29 +0000 2022)

@Burtchen Die können von mir aus mit einer Stimme scheitern, hauptsache sie sind draußen. #FDPunter5Prozent

(Originally on Twitter: Sun May 15 16:40:59 +0000 2022)

@morgenmagazin da wo ich mich regelmäßig aufhalte, darf ich keinen ersten Wohnsitz haben, damit bin ich nicht alleine. #Deutschland verarscht sich einmal mehr mit einer #volkszählung.

(Originally on Twitter: Mon May 16 05:54:19 +0000 2022)

@DanielaKayB @selfawaresoup @politicalbeauty Das ist kein Klo, die sind in der Jauche Grube zum Apnoetauchen, nur das Luftannhalten hat nicht so super funktioniert. #Rassismus ist und bleibt 💩💩💩

(Originally on Twitter: Mon May 16 10:56:06 +0000 2022)

RT @x_xjochen: #Sachsen ist: Wenn der Revierleiter der @PolizeiSachsen Zwickau seinen Posten verliert, weil er Dienstgeheimnisse weitergege…

(Originally on Twitter: Mon May 16 14:42:08 +0000 2022)

RT @AuschwitzMuseum: 16 May 1944 The main phase of extermination of Hungarian Jews began at the German camp #Auschwitz. Three trains arri…

(Originally on Twitter: Mon May 16 16:20:33 +0000 2022)

@glynmoody Have you read the follow-up saying, that would be to russian occupied territories? We know how that would end.

(Originally on Twitter: Mon May 16 16:25:33 +0000 2022)

RT @Volksverpetzer: So dreist Rumopfern können nur die Rechtsextremen: Während eines Interviews zur #nrwwahl2022 im ZDF sich beklagt #AfD C…

(Originally on Twitter: Mon May 16 16:29:05 +0000 2022)

RT @digitalcourage: Die EU-Kommission hat mit der #Chatkontrolle jegliches Maß verloren. In einem gemeinsamen Eil-Appell an die Bundesregie…

(Originally on Twitter: Mon May 16 17:16:17 +0000 2022)

RT @pgxn: pg_stat_kcache 2.2.1 released by @rjuju123:

(Originally on Twitter: Mon May 16 18:05:37 +0000 2022)

RT @pgxn: powa 4.1.4 released by @rjuju123:

(Originally on Twitter: Mon May 16 18:05:44 +0000 2022)

RT @pgconfeu: Welcome Data Egret (@dataegret) as a Gold sponsor of http://PGConf.EU 2022 in Berlin! #postgre…

(Originally on Twitter: Tue May 17 09:00:06 +0000 2022)

RT @ascherbaum: PostgreSQL Person of the Week interview with: Haki Benita (@be_haki)

#PostgreSQL #PostgresFriends

(Originally on Twitter: Tue May 17 10:00:19 +0000 2022)

RT @f_schutzbach: Das Recht auf Abtreibung steht auch in der Schweiz unter Beschuss: Heute sammeln sie mitten in Basel am Barfüsserplatz Un…

(Originally on Twitter: Tue May 17 14:46:56 +0000 2022)

RT @nexta_tv: Occupiers destroyed the plant genetic bank in Kharkiv

It was the only plant bank in Ukraine. More than 160 thousand varietie…

(Originally on Twitter: Wed May 18 07:28:50 +0000 2022)

RT @MrAhmadAwais: The binary tree actually exists!!

(Originally on Twitter: Wed May 18 07:29:04 +0000 2022)

RT @Katapultmagazin: Ups, kurz mal den Irak mit der Ukraine verwechselt. . Das ist dem ehemaligen US-Präsidenten George W. #Bush bei einer…

(Originally on Twitter: Thu May 19 10:24:53 +0000 2022)

RT @simonesanfradev: PostgreSQL 15 beta 1 is out 🐘🍻

MERGE is a great feature!

(Originally on Twitter: Thu May 19 13:44:07 +0000 2022)

RT @pg_xocolatl: The time to start testing your application is NOW and not when 15.0 comes out. Get testing!

(Originally on Twitter: Thu May 19 13:53:45 +0000 2022)

RT @PostgreSQL: News: PostgreSQL 15 Beta 1 Released!

(Originally on Twitter: Thu May 19 13:53:48 +0000 2022)

RT @Axel_Steier: Die @giz_gmbh schickt random Ablehnungsschreiben an #Ortskräfte. Wie wir wissen, lesen die sich nichtmal die Anträge durch…

(Originally on Twitter: Thu May 19 13:59:50 +0000 2022)

Der #podcast von @sarahbosetti ist einfach super.

(Originally on Twitter: Fri May 20 16:36:46 +0000 2022)

RT @AuschwitzMuseum: 20 May 1940 As part of preparations for establishing the #Auschwitz concentration camp SS brought 30 German criminal…

(Originally on Twitter: Fri May 20 16:45:34 +0000 2022)

@arstechnica That thing is f***ing expensive. Currently I got my first experience with a MacBook Pro. So far I haven’t found anything, that does work, either, a 34” ViewSonic doesn’t get the full resolution, or the USB keyboard, mouse, and camera don’t work. And all the other 7 devices work.

(Originally on Twitter: Fri May 20 17:50:50 +0000 2022)

@l_avrot @adjustcom @pgconfde @hintbits are you able to help her with sending a new one?

(Originally on Twitter: Fri May 20 17:52:14 +0000 2022)

RT @nexta_tv: A resident of #Gostomel showed what the “liberators” left in his apartment after leaving.

(Originally on Twitter: Fri May 20 17:53:56 +0000 2022)

@cyberdemn @l_avrot @adjustcom @pgconfde @hintbits @ascherbaum You are right, Oleksii moved to Timescale 🤦‍♀️

(Originally on Twitter: Fri May 20 18:07:48 +0000 2022)

@profsamperry @washingtonpost @GorskiPhilip They already left their conical hats at home.

(Originally on Twitter: Fri May 20 18:14:31 +0000 2022)

@ascherbaum @l_avrot @adjustcom @pgconfde @hintbits You’re a bit late, @cyberdemn already reminded me of this, which I should have known, but there seems to be some holes in my brain.

(Originally on Twitter: Fri May 20 18:19:35 +0000 2022)

@mahrko @tmmd für deine #DB bubble.

(Originally on Twitter: Sat May 21 07:39:07 +0000 2022)

RT @r_ciesielski: „Ich habe nichts zu verbergen.“

Warum dieser Satz niemals wirklich wahr ist, zeigt sich gerade in Afghanistan.

Uns li…

(Originally on Twitter: Sat May 21 09:55:59 +0000 2022)

@BinGanzBrav Wenn ich also an Märchen glaube und sie zu einer Religion erhebe, dann kann ich mich auf die Religionsfreiheit berufen, so lange ich niemanden persönlich beleidige? Ich hoffe, dass das Urteil vor dem BVerfG landet.

(Originally on Twitter: Sat May 21 10:10:55 +0000 2022)

@Flyingmana It’s really funny, on the left I read the first lines complete, but then I only read the highlighted beginning of words and finished the rest in less time, than the first lines.

(Originally on Twitter: Sat May 21 10:48:05 +0000 2022)

RT @WhatTheADHD: A new type of typeface might be beneficial to neurodivergent readers! 🤯

It’s called bionic reading — the first few letter…

(Originally on Twitter: Sat May 21 10:48:27 +0000 2022)

@TimescaleDB @pgconfde @DoKcommunity @CloudNativeFdn @linuxfoundation @gluecon @ramonguiu @jamessewell @atomicmutton @lulucieva @camilahirthe @clarkbw @sql_johnpruitt @cevianNY @hintbits @onprem_ Thanks for the good conversation at your stand at @pgconfde and your community support.

(Originally on Twitter: Sat May 21 16:23:32 +0000 2022)

RT @jdpoc: How every Right Wing White Guy reacts to rightful demands from minorities for True #Equality in all things.…

(Originally on Twitter: Sat May 21 16:51:03 +0000 2022)

RT @OhNoSheTwitnt: Bill Maher said kids are coming out as trans because it’s “trendy.” Yes, what child doesn’t want to feel trapped in thei…

(Originally on Twitter: Sat May 21 16:56:07 +0000 2022)

RT @yadvashem: #SaturdayNightArt Bedřich Fritta (1906-1944) a graphic designer and cartoonist from Prague, was among a group of artists who…

(Originally on Twitter: Sat May 21 17:54:36 +0000 2022)

RT @monaeltahawy: Abortion is a human right, not a bonus or a reward we must earn.

The fascist theocrats will not stop until they force us…

(Originally on Twitter: Sun May 22 20:30:13 +0000 2022)

@Twitter have you idiots really blocked @nexta_tv? Wtf is wrong with you? They are sharing news of #Ukraine️, currently especially about the fing war started by fing #Russia. Is it already time to move on? #nexta

(Originally on Twitter: Sun May 22 20:36:58 +0000 2022)

@Twitter you still don’t get it, don’t you? If you stand with #Ukraine, unblock @nexta_tv, otherwise you are standing with invaders, traitors, liars, murderers, war criminals. #IStandWithUkraine

(Originally on Twitter: Mon May 23 08:06:29 +0000 2022)

RT @l_avrot: Hello Twitter, Do you know any women in tech network based in London?

(Originally on Twitter: Mon May 23 09:34:02 +0000 2022)

I really don’t get it, @Twitter wtf is wrong with you to suspend a news account for literally nothing. But you still don’t have any problems, keeping #FCKNZS tweets online. #IStandWithUkraine, you don’t stand for anything except money.

(Originally on Twitter: Mon May 23 16:23:24 +0000 2022)

RT @Sky_Lee_1: Russian propaganda for years has been using the rhetoric of Ukrainians being Nazis, murderers and thieves.

These are the e…

(Originally on Twitter: Mon May 23 16:37:05 +0000 2022)

RT @pgconfeu: We plan to have childcare (German, English, age 3 and older) at #pgconfeu in Berlin. Is that something you would like to use?…

(Originally on Twitter: Tue May 24 11:19:12 +0000 2022)

RT @yadvashem: “Dear Daddy – we are well – goodbye”

Sisters Suzan and Lili wrote these words in the last postcard…

(Originally on Twitter: Tue May 24 13:35:08 +0000 2022)

RT @jdpoc: In #Texas, the minimum age for purchasing alcohol is 21, whereas on your 18th birthday you can purchase two military assault rif…

(Originally on Twitter: Wed May 25 09:12:03 +0000 2022)

RT @planetpostgres: Lætitia AVROT (@l_avrot): Removing some pedantry off Postgres

(Originally on Twitter: Wed May 25 10:33:41 +0000 2022)

RT @tchorix: What a busy month… Finally I was able to make time and upload my slides of the talk I gave two weeks ago at…

(Originally on Twitter: Thu May 26 10:35:55 +0000 2022)

RT @ascherbaum: One month left to submit your #PostgreSQL talk for #pgconfeu!


(Originally on Twitter: Fri May 27 08:01:09 +0000 2022)

RT @Cartoostrophal: English version for @hpdticker

#Uvalde #UvaldeMassacre #RoeVWade #RoeVsWade

(Originally on Twitter: Fri May 27 14:44:02 +0000 2022)

@9Incide @tazgezwitscher @erizing Die geneigte Leserschaft diese Lügereien und Schwurbeleien haben bei mir einen verdient Platz: Die #Blockliste.

(Originally on Twitter: Fri May 27 14:51:12 +0000 2022)

RT @AKurkov: Ukrainian film director Oleg Sentsov who is fighting as a soldier near Lisichansk, Donbass, asks when one can expect the heavy…

(Originally on Twitter: Fri May 27 16:51:30 +0000 2022)

RT @RobDenBleyker:

(Originally on Twitter: Sat May 28 06:54:09 +0000 2022)

RT @YorukIsik: Stolen commodities from occupied #Ukraine: Shipping from #Crimea to Turkish ports continues unchecked with impunity, against…

(Originally on Twitter: Sat May 28 07:12:21 +0000 2022)

RT @TreyYingst: Kharkiv region.

(Originally on Twitter: Sun May 29 06:32:23 +0000 2022)

RT @EFDavies: Anna Politkovskajas Buch „Tschetschenien. Die Wahrheit über den Krieg“ war das erste Buch, das ich über Putins Russland geles…

(Originally on Twitter: Sun May 29 09:57:27 +0000 2022)

@mathieuvonrohr @derspiegel

(Originally on Twitter: Sun May 29 21:42:44 +0000 2022)

@intrbiz Can’t wait to see the old currency system coming back. 1 Sovereign = 4 Crown = 8 Half Crown = 10 Florin = 20 Shilling = 60 Groat = 240 Penny = 960 Farthing = 1 Pound Sterling. Not to forget 1 Guinea = 21 Shilling.

(Originally on Twitter: Mon May 30 12:35:26 +0000 2022)

@intrbiz I’ve learned that in Germany in school, past 1971 🤡

(Originally on Twitter: Mon May 30 12:42:10 +0000 2022)

RT @jdpoc: Can you f’ing believe this ?

(Originally on Twitter: Mon May 30 12:44:55 +0000 2022)

RT @nexta_tv: ❗️In the #Lugansk region, #Russian troops fired on an evacuation transport - a #French journalist was killed

The fragments o…

(Originally on Twitter: Mon May 30 12:46:22 +0000 2022)

RT @sqldaily: Want to get the first non-null value in a list of expressions or columns?


COALESCE ( expr1, expr2, expr3, … )

This u…

(Originally on Twitter: Mon May 30 12:55:12 +0000 2022)

RT @ascherbaum: PostgreSQL Person of the Week interview with: Virginie Jourdan (@JourdanVirginie)

#PostgreSQL #PostgresFriends


(Originally on Twitter: Tue May 31 10:32:48 +0000 2022)

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